Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Spooky Times
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Celebrity Remix
“Superstition is the religion of the weak minds”
- Edmund Burke
In the ancient days, without science to depend upon, people had to find explanation for various acts of nature they could not explain. That is when the supernatural came into being. People wanted to know why natural phenomonen occurred, too much rain, too little rain, too hot, too cold. Some people purporting to be wise men blamed certain events for it. The people of the tribe were neglecting the gods who controlled nature, which angered them. So people would get together to play on their drums, offer up sacrifices and believe that it would better their situation. It was simply the beginning of man’s effort to find out what triggered off certain events.

For people in and around Chandigarh Rock Garden needs no introduction. It has grown out of a secret hobby of a man who was self driven to create sculpture out of waste materials. It is a pure example of Art for Art’s sake. Luckily the people in power at that time recognized the art and gave a platform to the rare creativity of Nek Chand. Now people of
However, as it is with other monuments in
Even in the Phase III of the garden, with its beautiful mosaic seats and swings, there was trash all around. The air was a little cleaner than the stuffy atmosphere of the waterfall area, but no one seemed a least bit bothered about adding to the trash.